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DNA Paternity, Urine, Hair Follicle, Drug, Alcohol, EtG Testing - Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan


Veritas Lab DOT, Urine, and Hair Follicle drug testing Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan making our community and workplace a safer and healthier place. Don’t wait Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan! Call us now!


DRUG Testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan: urine, and hair follicle drug tests.


Urine and hair follicle drug testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is a competitive industry that involves national laboratories that claim to offer comprehensive testing options in one-man-operation facilities that do not have a business address and only offer onsite instant testing. A very impersonalized process for a very personal and important matter for citizens of Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.


At Veritas Lab Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, we run business in a different way! Here at Veritas Lab Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan we combine the best from all urine as well as hair follicle drug testing business models in order to deliver our Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan customers customized and state of the art urine and hair follicle drug testing services that serve your unique needs. The urine drug testing and hair follicle drug testing market in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan ranges from national corporations that require several drug testing programs in order to comply with DOT (Department of Transportation) urine drug testing regulations to standard employee testing.


We also work with families in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan to offer a peace of mind. Our labs in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan offer urine, and hair follicle drug tests for parents in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan involved in legal matters seeking legal custody of their children, as well as for concerned parents who simply want to make sure that their children are not involving themselves with illegal substances.


At Veritas Laboratories Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, we not only offer customized services, but also offer over 5000 physical collection sites that are conveniently located where your urine drug testing sample can be collected, as well as a network of on-call mobile lab technicians who will be able to come to your site in order to perform a collection! A personalized and on-the go service that is not offered in any other Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan lab!


Veritas Laboratories in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan:

  1. Collect your sample in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan
  2. Deliver it to a lab
  3. Test your sample
  4. Report it to a Medical Review Officer MRO)
  5. Report results back to you to Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan


We cut out the middle man and do all aspects of the job ourselves for Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan residents!


What makes people get high on drugs or drink alcohol in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?


Each substance has its own reactions and effect on the human body. Some substances produce an excited, hyper, and energetic mood; while others produce a more relaxed and mellow one. The brain’s desire and understanding of pleasure is extremely diverse and varies from person to person.

The definition of pleasure is defined by a number of factors, and is constant ever-changing process that varies from person to person. Some individuals in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan use tranquilizers to help them keep up with school studies, long work hours or night life fun. Others in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan look for chemicals to help them calm down after a high-pace work day. Most of the people in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan who decide to implement such a self-medicated treatment option end up in a negative scenario for they harm their bodies, affect their mental state, and ultimately destroy their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Chemical substances can be helpful, but before resulting to pharmaceuticals several measures must be taken:

  • Specialists in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan must examine if your mental condition truly needs help from medication or if can be correlated with therapeutic psychology interventions?
  • One’s body must be assessed to see if it can physiologically handle prescribed medications in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.
  • It is imperative that one’s health be examined in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan to prevent liver and kidney damage and any possible adverse reactions.
  • Do the positive effects of “pleasure” treatment exceed negative side effects in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

All of these are important points to consider when thinking of consuming pharmaceuticals in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.



Why urine drug testing is better than blood and hair drug testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

What is the difference between Urine Drug and Alcohol Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan vs Blood Drug and Alcohol Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan vs Hair Follicle Drug Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan and Alcohol Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is difference between blood, alcohol, and hair drug and alcohol testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?


After drugs or alcohol consumption, these substances are injected into one’s bloodstream, which delivers them to your brain. Chemical reactions in one’s brain caused by narcotics, ethanol or its metabolites are called euphoria. During the euphoria process, chemicals circulate one’s bloodstream until the kidney and liver clear them out. After these body organs do their cleansing job, it becomes more difficult to trace their presence in the bloodstream. Therefore, we can conclude that blood tests for narcotics and alcohol will cover the shortest period of time. After chemical substances were filtered by the kidneys, one’s body starts clearing itself out through the production of urine and sweat. This process can lasts hours, days, and even a week depending on the chemical substance. This is the period where the presence of drugs and alcohol can be detected in the urine. After time passes, one’s bloodstream clears out the substance of abuse as well as in the urine. The human body is like internet – not one single particle goes unnoticed. All things can be traced. Narcotics, alcohol and its metabolite leave the traces even in the smaller crevices such as in the inner follicle of one’s hair. It takes time for hair to grow. Substance of abuse cannot be detected in the first few days; it can sometimes take a week after injection at hair follicle for the substance to be detected. But as hair grows, the kidney clears out one’s bloodstream while the bladder wipes out traces from urine, drugs will still stay in the internal layer of one’s hair. To conclude:

  • Blood drug tests in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan will indicate the presence of a chemical in a short period of time until the kidneys have cleared the system. These tests are evidential in emergency situations such as in the case of overdoses, where immediate level of drugs or alcohol must be known (with the exception of Peth Alcohol Test where ethanol can be detected for up to 3 weeks by presence of its metabolite).
  • Urine drug test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan have a blind period ranging from minutes to hours. Substance can be detected for a period for up to a week (sometimes for longer if abuse of the drug was chronic and substantial)
  • Hair follicle drug tests in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan have a blind period for about a week. Than presence of a substance can be easily detected.
  • All three drug tests have same accuracy in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. The difference ranges in the time period that needs to be covered.


The reason why employers choose to implement drug and alcohol testing programs in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan: Urine Drug Test for Employment in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan vs Hair Follicle Drug Test for Employment in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan

  • The Department of Transportation regulates businesses. Every employer in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan related to transportation must comply with its drug and alcohol testing policies and procedures drafted in 49 CFR Part 40. DOT mandates specific urine, saliva, and breath alcohol tests that cannot be modified, contain traces of specific drugs, and/or certain cut-off levels. Whether you come from National Corporation or are a simple civilian who bought or rented a truck in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan and must meet DOT standards in drug and alcohol testing in order to operate your business in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, the DOT requires testing. There are several steps a company needs to take in order to employ pilots, truck drivers, marines or any other employee who perform safety-sensitive job duties within transportation realm in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. These steps that need to be conducted are pre-employment urine drug testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan for each employee, establishing random drug and alcohol testing program in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan or joining random pool consortium in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, DOT supervisor training in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, and assigning DOT designated employee representative in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. All of these steps were implemented to increase safety of passengers and transportation employees in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Urine and hair follicle drug testing programs in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan has led to a decrease of accidents in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan on transportation caused by employees under influence of narcotics or alcohol.
  • Some businesses in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan decide to implement a drug free policy and zero drug tolerance. There are many factors which influence business executives to implement drug and alcohol testing programs in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. According to statistics over sixty millions of Americans use drugs on a weekly basis, and nearly two thirds of the employed population consumes alcohol. More than eighty percent of drug users are currently employed and some of them in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Drugs and alcohol have a direct effect on our judgment, reactions and decision making. Accidents and mistakes made by people under influence of drugs or alcohol cost their employees billions of dollars in lawsuits, compensations and reputation damage. Severe injuries and deaths are also a result from the consumption of drugs and/or alcohol in businesses. A pretty strong argument to implement urine drug and alcohol testing programs to eliminate potential threats, save money, and most importantly make business a safe place for the customers and employees has been made over the past few years. We constantly hear from our customers in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan that health and business liability insurer carriers give them a price break for conducting urine drug and alcohol testing on their employees.
  • Most of the employers in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan conduct Urine Drug and Alcohol testing for pre-employment reasons. These tests cover a shorter period of time. Some industries require Hair Follicle Drug Testing. These are casinos, other gambling businesses, financial institutions, museums and jewelry companies that prefer hair follicle testing over urine since their employees deal with high value items on daily bases and people with addiction can be potential  be a threat to their business.


Does Veritas Lab offer urine and hair follicle tests to individuals in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

What are the reasons why individuals look to administer urine drug and alcohol testing, hair follicle drug and alcohol testing, and blood alcohol testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Veritas Lab Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan does not differentiate between the clients, whether you come from a national corporation, a small business, or are a concerned individual, we are here for YOU. Anyone who contacts our laboratories from Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan will be treated with same high level of respect and passion to help you find the best solution for your specific needs. While the majority of clients in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan come from national corporations seeking employee drug and alcohol testing, a large number of clients are actual civilians seeking testing done for a wide array of needs.

A large group of our clients in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan are concerned parents, family members, and/ or friends who want to make sure their loved ones stay clear from addiction. Though there are home kits sold in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan pharmacies for drug testing, people do not trust these kits  because of their easiness to cheat the test, their high percentage of false-positive or false-negative results, and because of their unreliability. All of the urine, blood and hair follicle drug testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan conducted in our laboratories are completed in SAMHSA, FDA, and ISO certified laboratories and signed by the Medical Review Officer (MRO).

Another group of clients in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan who seek our services are individuals who were court mandated to undergo drug or alcohol tests. These types of tests can be a one-time test or a series of continuous drug tests with random selections.  For the most part, judges in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan order drug and alcohol tests for people convicted of DUI/DWI charges, narcotic-related accounts, and/or child custody cases. The court system in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan wants to ensure that individuals, who were once endangering others by driving under influence or committing narcotics-related crime, will not relapse.

It is common practice for courts in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan to impose random drug and alcohol testing programs in child custody cases. Once an ex-spouse is accused by their counterpart of using illegal substances and/or alcohol, a judge in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan may order a drug or alcohol testing program to make sure the safety of the child is at the best interest. In this case, a parent who wants to seek full or part-time custody must comply with terms of the random testing program in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.

We also administer urine and hair follicle drug testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan for people who have been charged on alcohol or drug related charges and want to refute the initial test results. If a person was stopped by a police officer in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan and a breath and alcohol test showed high levels of alcohol, and the accused individual claims he/she was not drinking, this individual has the opportunity to undergo ETG Urine or Hair Follicle Alcohol Test and PEth blood tests to challenge the charges. Veritas Lab’s test results can be used in a courtroom in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan during a trial as a supporting evidence for the charges.

Lastly, many individuals call our laboratories from Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan to conduct urine, drug, or hair follicle testing on themselves. In these cases, these tests are done for a peace of mind on the individual’s part when an employer requires pre-employment drug tests in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Some people want to make sure that they can pass these tests before accepting a position. In some cases, these tests make it easier for individuals to deny a job offer based on the results, than to accept it and ruin one’s reputation for future job opportunities. Many employers share pre-employment drug test a result with their affiliates and information quickly spreads within the industry, limiting the chances of future employment if one is caught lying.


I was ordered to take 5 Panel Urine Drug Test ( 9 Panel Urine Drug Test, 10 Panel Urine Drug Test, 5 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test, 9 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test, 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test) in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.

What does it mean? What are these panels?

Veritas Lab can test for any specific drug in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Testing for one specific substance is called stand-alone drug testing. However to make drug and alcohol testing easy and standardized throughout the industry, it has become a good practice to combine certain drugs in one test. Drug Test Panel became a common name for testing a concoction of drugs. The number on the panel indicates how many substances are being tested in a given combination. Therefore, a 5 Panel Urine Drug Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan will test for 5 substances, a 10 Panel Urine Drug Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan for ten, and 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan for twelve chemicals accordingly. Most common combinations used in Urine and Hair samples testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan are 5 Panel, 9 Panel, 10 Panel, and 12 Panel. A 5 Panel test looks for major street drugs and its groups such as Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines (including Meth), and PCP. Nine Panel will test for the same drugs, but also for certain prescription medications such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Veritas Laboratory offers tests in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan ranging from stand-alone drug testing to a 35 Panel one. Aside from this, we can also modify any drug testing panel to meet your specific needs by replacing drugs tested or adding additional substances for testing. We also can add alcohol or EtG Alcohol test to any drug testing panel.


What choices do I have if I need to test for alcohol in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What drug test is the most accurate in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Which alcohol test is better Blood, Urine, or Hair Follicle, and what is the difference between these tests in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is the difference between regular alcohol test, PEth alcohol test, EtG alcohol test, and hair follicle EtG alcohol test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? Breath alcohol test vs. Peth blood alcohol test vs. EtG urine alcohol test vs. EtG hair follicle test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.

All one needs to get Blood Alcohol PEth Test, Urine Alcohol Test, Urine EtG Test or Hair Follicle EtG Test is to register online or to call one of our laboratories for scheduling in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. The process is fast and easy. After one’s information is entered in our companywide computer system, the client may walk in to the closest collection site in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan with no appointment needed. All drug tests provided by Veritas lab are accurate, reliable, and court admissible in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. The only aspect that may limit these tests is the timing of detection.


How long drug stays in your system. Urine Drug Testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan
Amphetamine-Type Stimulants


3 days



3 days

     3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)


2 days

     3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)


2 days




Not quantitated

5 days



15 days



7 days



3 days



3 days



3 days


10 days






5 days
















2 days







7 days



7 days

Cocaine & Metabolite


<1 day



5 days



3 days



3 days



2 days



2 days

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)


<1 day



5 days

Marijuana/Cannabis (THC-COOH)
     Single Use


3 days

     Moderate Use (4 times per week)

5 days

     Heavy Use (daily)

10 days

     Chronic Heavy Use

30 days



7 days

     EDDP (methadone metabolite)


7 days



6 days



1 day



3 days



3 days



3 days



3 days



3 days



3 days



8 days



3 days



10 days



Veritas Lab offers DNA testing services for Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan residents. The people of Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan deserves to know the truth! Find out the answer Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan! Call us now to get the answer!


DNA Paternity Testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan: What You Need to Know Before Scheduling your Appointment in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.


Veritas Lab is a network of laboratories with over 30 years of experience in DNA testing. We offer a broad spectrum of testing options in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan from establishing paternity and siblingship to semen detection and compressing.


The fear of raising someone else’s child has been prevalent since the dawn of time. These doubts have ruined many relationships over the centuries. Fathers tried to look for a common marks such as same color of eyes and hair, same sculls or body type. However, modern science proved that appearance is not evidential and is actually irrelevant. After discovery of blood types, medical science became able to exclude people with certain blood types from parental relationship. For example, if mother have “0” blood type, and the child has “AB”, males with “0”, “A”, and “B” blood type cannot be the father. However, if both alleged fathers have “AB” blood type, it could be difficult to determine who the true biological father of the child is.


Paternity and DNA testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan changed when scientists discovered new methods to study human genes. Genes are basically memory storage of our past generations. These memory-storage contain information about our ancestors, their race, sicknesses and much more. Think of a strand of DNA as your internet browsing history, but, you can’t clear it once you get into trouble. It took some time for genetic scientists to learn how to read and interpret this information. Genetics is still a developing and relatively new science with many secrets and huge room for discoveries. This science has already helped to prevent, fight, and cure many diseases. Additionally, with the discovery of genomes, scientists are given an opportunity to answer the question which has been asked by alleged fathers throughout time: “is this kid my child?” From the Chinese Dynasties, to the Pharaohs of Egypt, to the Greco-Roman Empire; every father has had to answer that difficult question, one that cannot truly be answered without science. Veritas Lab can give you a definitive answer. This answer is not always pleasant and will influence your future, life of your child and life of your family. We cannot force the impact that the test results will have on your life, but, we can definitely tell you with one hundred percent accuracy that: “you are the father,” or “you are not the father.”


How does DNA Testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan work? How does Genetic Testing Work for Paternity in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? Is it Accurate?

As previously mentioned, human genes contain information from our past. Not only information about our lives, but the history of our ancestors. Modern genetic science can separate genes from the human body and read genetic code. Think of the website. You see pictures, you read the text, but what you don’t see is the special code that makes all these pictures and text appear. Similarly, genes are a code of humans’ functionality. To read your genetic code we will have to collect cells from your body. Cells can be collected from any body tissue. The easiest and most harmless way to collect it is from inside of your oral cavity. Simply take a cotton swab with a high cotton density, this allows the cells in your mouth to attach to the cotton more easily, and send it to the lab. At your DNA appointment in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, Veritas Lab’s technician will gently rub inside of the alleged father’s and child’s mouth to collect the sample. Then, our scientists will use state of the art equipment to separate the DNA from your cells. This method called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). After DNA is extracted, we break it down into pieces and will type it a special code. Then, our scientists will compare the genetic code of alleged father to that of the child. By utilizing the 21 marker compression method, (pieces of DNA material), which is the most advanced technology. If the two genetic code matches by majority of markers, we conclude that there is a 99.9999% chance that the man in question is indeed the father because of the similarities. Many studies proved that this genetic method is 100 percent accurate. Veritas Lab’s paternity results are recognized by United States government and. So, based on these results you may request changing a birth certificate in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, child custody in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, file an immigration petition in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, etc.





How expensive is DNA paternity Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

How much DNA paternity test cost in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? Is there any free DNA testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Genetic testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is a high-level science. It takes years of studying the science and master your skills to not only earn PhD from ivy league school, but to find a research institution which will educate you in interpreting DNA test results. Only few of thousands can make this journey. DNA testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan also involves complicated machinery that can separate genetic material from human cells. Other equipment analyzes genetic markers and translate it to a scientific language by applying PCR technique explained previously. Frankly, Veritas Lab in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan was able to minimize operating expenses by adopting best business operational practices. We developed fair, affordable and reasonable pricing structure to satisfy our clients, cover business expanses all while allowing us to make adequate profit. Our DNA testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan starts at 150 dollars. When you think of the price of DNA paternity testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, compare it to buying a car or ordering furniture. You can buy the fully loaded car or pick up a basic model with no GPS and climate control. You can order your furniture from a luxury store with included delivery and in-home installation or order from a budget store where you must put pieces together your own. With that in mind, we have DNA testing options to satisfy any budget and any of our client’s desires in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Our all-inclusive Legal DNA Paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan costs as little as $345 dollars. This includes same or next day appointment at a local clinic, the collection and testing fee, picture taking and fingerprinting, both electronic and hard copy results reporting, and all taxes and fees. However, there are more budget-friendly options, which will require you to find your collection site and scheduling the collection on your own. We will provide you with a testing collection kit and a federal chain of custody form. The collector in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan will have to ship your sample back to us for testing. No matter what your budget, we will work diligently to ensure that you get the service you need at our Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan location.


If I order a DNA paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan through Veritas Lab will I get a definite answer or can the results be inconclusive?

Yes, you will receive a definite answer for the DNA Paternity Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Unlike the other DNA testing laboratories who utilize 16-marker studies, all Veritas Lab’s tests performed utilizing 21-genetic markers technique which is a guarantee of conclusive results. Results will be reported as 99.9% or as 0%, where “99” means you are definitely the father and “0” you are not the father. If you have tested for paternity, maternity, grandpaternity, siblingship DNA testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan we will be able to give you an accurate answer. The only instances where we may have inconclusive results is where the father and the mother are not available for the DNA collection. For example, if the alleged father is deceased, and there is no blood-card or other biological material left, and the mother is not available for collection; we can compare the child’s DNA with one of the relatives from the alleged father’s side. If this is the case, we might ask for an additional party to be tested from either side of the family.

How soon I can get my DNA Paternity test results in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is the fastest DNA results in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Veritas lab processes thousands of DNA samples. Our result turnaround time is around 3-5 business days, which is the fastest DNA paternity testing reporting in the world. However, we understand that in some circumstances you need it even faster, because of the court date or you just can’t wait.  We do have expedited service in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan where our workers will work overtime to make sure you will get your results in requested timeline. We advise you to give us a call for a free consultation and estimate for your expedited DNA paternity test results.


Where my DNA sample will be collected in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? Do you have a DNA clinic in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Veritas Lab of Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan can collect your DNA sample in one of over 5000+ collection sites. If we don’t have our own office in your area, your sample will be collected at one of the thousands of our partner clinics. If you are looking for a closest DNA collection site for Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, you may enter your city name or a postal code on our website locator located at the top of the page or you may call us and we’ll gladly help you to look up a clinic that is most convenient for you.


I need a DNA paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, how soon can you schedule my appointment?

Our state of the art online scheduling system electronically connects all of Veritas Lab clinics and makes it easy to book your DNA paternity appointment. We can schedule you as fast as the next business day in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. If you call early in the morning we will do our best to schedule you same day for DNA paternity sample collection.


We live in different states and I need to get DNA paternity test done. Is it possible? I’m in New York and my baby lives with mom in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.

Absolutely! Veritas Lab operates at more than 5,000 DNA collection sites. We can collect your sample anywhere in United States or in almost any country in the world. When you book your DNA paternity test, your information and appointment details will be saved in our national database. Your case will be assigned a unique number so that we can identify your samples and match it when they reach our main laboratory for the testing. Technicians at the collection site in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan will write this number on DNA Paternity chain of custody form and will scan a barcode when your sample is collected. We want to assure you that our database is fully secure and confidential. We do not share your information with any third parties or government agencies. We will ask you at the time of registration for how long you would like us to keep your record. After time comes we will erase all of your information, unless you advise us otherwise.


What if father is not available for testing? Can I still do DNA Paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan if father not willing to give his sample?

Can I do DNA Paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan without my husband knowing? Is it possible to do DNA paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan if father is dead?

Yes. When it comes to DNA paternity testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, everything is possible with Veritas Lab. If the alleged father is not willing to submit his DNA for testing it is still possible to do a legal admissible in court DNA paternity test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. However, we will need to get a DNA sample from the mother and one of father’s blood siblings. Our DNA is composed of equal parts of our mother and father’s DNA. By analyzing the mother’s DNA and comparing it to child’s sample, we will be able to determine which part of child genes comes from the mother’s side. Then, we will extract it and will compare to father’s blood sibling what’s left in genetic code. If genetic markers child’s DNA that not belong to the mother matches with father’s relative genes we will make a conclusion that tested child is in direct blood relationship to father’s sibling. We also can prove paternity or maternity if none of the parents available. Our laboratories developed and implemented complex DNA method called genetic reconstruction. This is where we extracting DNA from the parent’s blood relatives and reconstructing paternal DNA so we can than compare it with the child’s genetic markers.


Yes, it is possible to perform DNA paternity testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan without father’s knowledge. You will have to provide us with father’s biological material such as hair or a toothbrush that he used. If we can identify father’s DNA on provided samples we’ll be able to give you conclusive results and definite answer. However, these results will be only for your knowledge and will not hold up in court. The reason is why such testing will not be a legally binding is that we really don’t know to whom the provided sample belongs to.


Yes, it is possible to establish paternity through the DNA test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan if father passed away. If a blood card is available at the coroner’s office, we will be able to arrange a shipment of the sample to Veritas Lab. If no biological samples are available, we can test mother and one of the blood-relatives from the father’s side. These test results will be a legal document and can be used for any court or government matters in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. We strongly advise you to call our DNA Paternity testing specialists to discuss your situation. DNA Paternity test consultation in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is free of charge. Every situation is unique, that’s why our DNA testing specialists will be able to determine which DNA testing solution will be right for you.


What kind of DNA testing you do in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Why is the best DNA testing laboratory in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? Veritas Lab of Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is the only laboratory that can offer a full range of DNA testing. Whatever you can do with genome we can do it. Our main focus is establishing paternal relationship between the man and a child through a DNA paternity test. We also test for maternity in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, a test that proves that a woman is a true mother of the child. We offer grandparent DNA testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan where we are comparing genes of grandparents with the child’s genes to prove or exclude their relationship. We also offer a DNA siblingship test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan where our goal is to prove non-paternal relationship between individuals. Veritas Lab is a national leader and number one choice for ancestry testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. We are also able to extract DNA from biological fluids found on the cloth or contraceptives and compare it to a DNA of a specific person. There is no genetic testing we do not offer in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. This is why we are the best DNA lab in the country. Call today for a free consultation.



The Best treatment is prevention when it comes to alcohol abuse. Veritas Lab is here for alcohol testing of Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan residents. Be ahead of the problems Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan! Call us now!


Alcohol testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. DOT and non-DOT alcohol testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.


Veritas Lab Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is a national leader in alcohol testing.  We offer both DOT (Department of Transportation) and non-DOT alcohol testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. All our alcohol tests are court-admissible and legally binding. If you need to register for alcohol testing you in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan may do it on our website by choosing “Register Online” in our menu or you may call our scheduling office for a free consultation with our alcohol testing experts.


Ethanol is a chemical element that used in every alcoholic beverage. There are many discussions on effects of alcohol use. Some studies indicate positive effect on the body when low amount of alcohol are consumed. Some opponents of ethanol suggest that even a low amount of ethanol will have negative effect on the liver and kidney as well as on human’s social functions. At Veritas Lab Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan we do not debate the effects of ethanol. Our goal to provide a quick and accurate service to our customers where liability may result to prove or exclude it’s consumption with individuals who participate in altercations or must not be drinking due to job functions.


A common effect of ethanol, even in low dosages is impaired judgement. You may not think clearly and its best described as buzzed. This is the reason why employers in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan prohibit their workers from reporting to the job after drinking alcohol. Jobs that perform high-risk duties such as military personal, police officers, medical professionals, construction, manufacturing, and transportation are only few that have strict alcohol-free policies.


DOT (Department of transportation) implemented an alcohol testing program stipulated in 49 CFR Part 40 regulations. All personnel employed in the transportation industry and who perform sensitive duties in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan must be enrolled in the DOT random alcohol testing program. Also alcohol testing is a requirements for transportation workers in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan involved in an accident or when supervisor suspects that the employee is under influence of alcohol.


DOT saliva alcohol test and DOT breath alcohol test (BAT) in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan are two methods approved by the Department of Transportation for alcohol detection. The only exception is with fatalities, the DOT will perform a blood alcohol test. Every pilot, marine, or truck driver in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan must be tested during the year for alcohol on the random basis. If the DOT saliva test shows positive results for alcohol use it must be followed up and confirmed with breathalyzer (BAT). Only the DOT certified collectors can perform the DOT alcohol testing in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, and only the DOT approved equipment can be used. The DOT has a special federal form that must be filled and signed during alcohol testing process by both collector and person tested. All positive DOT alcohol test results will be immediately reported to designated employer representative, and worker must be suspended from his duties.





What type of alcohol tests are available in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is breath test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is urine alcohol test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

What is blood alcohol PEth test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is EtG alcohol Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan? What is hair follicle EtG Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan?

Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is an ideal solution to confirm ethanol presence during short period of time. It is mostly used to detect ethanol presence in the human body from a period of 6-8 hours. This time period is critical for pre-work (pre-access) alcohol testing and post-accident alcohol testing. In these situation longer time periods may not be conclusive and will be susceptible in court. Breath alcohol test is mandatory for transportation workers in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.


Another test that offered by Veritas Lab in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan is a standard Urine Alcohol Test. This test can determine presence of alcohol for up to 12 hours and used by many non-DOT companies in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan as a job pre-access testing. There are many factors to consider when ordering this test since certain pathogenic organisms and health conditions can affect the alcohol levels and cause fallse-positive results.


EtG Urine Alcohol Test

Veritas Lab also offers EtG Urine Alcohol Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. This test will determine if person was consuming alcohol products within the past 8- hours. Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) is a by-product of ethanol which stays in human body for prolonged period of time. EtG test is a common choice for child custody cases in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan where ex-spouses agreed for a child custody with the condition of sobriety. Many courts are requesting EtG alcohol test to be performed on a random base for these who were charged with DUI/DWI and other alcohol-related charges. If you were court ordered to be randomly tested for EtG Urine Alcohol in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, Veritas Lab will notify you in the morning of the testing day and you will have by the end of the day to report to the clinic. EtG Alcohol test results will be reported directly to the court. We also perform EtG Alcohol testing for individual clients in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan who were accused of drinking alcohol or came up positive on the police test during the traffic stop. If a person was convinced in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan that he/she was innocent and the initial alcohol test was a mistake, you have the opportunity to undergo EtG Alcohol testing. If results come back negative your lawyer will have supportive evidence to challenge the initial testing during the trial in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.


PEth Blood Alcohol Test

Veritas Lab offer PEth Blood Alcohol Test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. The phosphatidylethanols is a group of lipids formed in your blood as a reaction to the presence of ethanol. These substances stay in your bloodstream for up to two weeks. PEth indicates moderate to heavy alcohol use which ruling out false-positive alcohol test results by products containing alcohol, health conditions and pathogens. For PEth testing our PEth specialist will collect capillary blood samples using the finger stick or needle technique. The finger stick alcohol testing is very common. Finger stick blood alcohol technique require only few drops of blood, while venous blood alcohol testing require around 5 ml of your blood. Results of your PEth blood alcohol test will be available in 5-7 business days and will be legally-binding in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. This test is evidential in challenging initial positive alcohol test results proves sobriety for a long period of time.


Lastly, Veritas Lab offer Hair Follicle EtG Alcohol test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. Same as the EtG urine test it will reveal alcohol use but it will cover much longer period of time. EtG Hair Follicle Alcohol test will detect Ethyl Glucuronide in your hair for up to 3 months. This test is an ideal solution for these who must stay completely alcohol free in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan. EtG hair follicle test widely use in transplantology to determine donor’s eligibility for the organ. It can also be used for any other reason where long period of sobriety must be proven.


Whatever the reason you need to get the alcohol test in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan, and whatever test you need, Veritas Lab staff of professionals are prepared to assist you through the process. Our expertise and support in alcohol testing of Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan residents start with tour initial call and continues until you receive your alcohol test results. Please call us now for your free alcohol testing consultation or to order the alcohol test you need in Napi Headquarters, NM, San Juan.


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The judge ordered me to do a 9 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test through this company. They are easy to deal with and on time. Thanks
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We called to schedule a Legal DNA Paternity Test with Veritas Lab, and our samples were collected very next day. We received our relationship test results  in 3 days.  Excellent customer service and turnaround time. Highly recommend.
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I used this lab to do a 12 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test on my client. Very satisfied and will use again shall I need for a court hearings. Thank you.
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Veritas Lab collected and did comparing genetic analysis of my DNA sample to to prove the judge that my son is my son. I was granted a full child custody based on Veritas Lab DNA paternity Test Results. Thank you to this company. Majid Patel
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Veritas Lab managing our DOT Random Pool Consortium for over 5 years now. Since than we successfully passed a DOT audit twice. Thanks to Veritas lab, we feel very confident about our Department of Transportation drug testing compliance.
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I would like to say a big thank you to team of Veritas Lab. I was granted a custody of my child based on the DNA paternity test results they provided.
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I used this company to do a 5 panel hair follicle drug test for my probation. Same day appointment and my PO received the results in 2 days. Nice! Thank you Veritas Lab
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I used Veritas Lab for my prenatal non-invasive DNA Paternity Test. They did my bloodwork, and swabbed my boo. My paternity test results were available in 7 days. Will recommend this lab to these who need a prenatal DNA Paternity test.
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Veritas Lab tested me for alcohol use by doing hair follicle EtG test at their NYC lab. Greatly appreciate and highly recommend this lab to anyone in need of hair follicle testing. Thanks. Sandra Moore.
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One of our truck drivers urgently needed a DOT post-accident drug and alcohol collection. Veritas Lab came onsite and got the job done. Thank you.
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Best EtG alcohol testes. My probation officer was happy
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I ordered 12 panel hair drug test online. Received my results in 2 days. Thank you
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I used this lab for EtG hair follicle alcohol testing. My highest recommendations!
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Convincing him was my goal. Achieved thanks to prenatal noninvasive DNA Paternity test at Veritas Lab. Highly recommend!
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Thank you Veritas Lab for my 5 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test. You saved me.
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This company in charge of our DOT drug testing compliance. Highly satisfied.
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I just received my results. Huge thanks to Veritas Lab for DNA paternity testing in New York. 5 stars!
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I ordered a hair follicle ETG alcohol test. Results came back negative and in 3 days. Thank you.
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I was able to get same day appointment. Thanks God to Veritas Lab and DNA paternity testing my hubby cleared his doubts.
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This company conducted a hair follicle drug test for our client with court admissible results. Thanks to Veritas Lab our client submitted his sample same day, and his results were emailed to our law firm. Very impressive job during COVID times.
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Thanks to Veritas Lab I was able to check if I am the father. It was a real challenge to find an open clinic for DNA paternity testing at the time of the pandemic.
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We use this company to drug test all of drug-related felons. Court orders for urine and hair follicle drug testing
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Used Veritas Lab for my court ordered 5 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test.
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We enrolled in DOT Random Pool with Veritas Lab. They in charge of our DOT Drug Testing
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I've been sending my clients to Veritas Lab for some time now. Here they have turnaround time of 3 days for the Legal DNA Paternity Test. Happy with the service. Angie Ward Esq
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We use Veritas Lab for our drug testing needs for sub-contractors. Very pleased, Andrew - General Manager
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Thanks to Veritas Lab we are able to drug test our employees in multiple locations. Turnaround time is awesome. We schedule our urine and hair follicle drug testing through them for over 5 years now, and never had a problem.  Sometime we schedule online and sometime over the phone. We mostly order 5 Panel and 10 Panel drug tests. Here at Veritas Lab they are very flexible and always willing to modify a drug test to accommodate our needs.  Thanks. Diana - HR manager
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I ordered a 5 Panel Hair Follicle Drug Test in Dallas Texas and was able to walk in to the clinic same day. Veritas Lab Emailed me results next day. Very fast service. Thank you! Mark. (Hair Drug Test in Dallas).
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Veritas Lab our partner for our pre-employment drug testing program. 5 Panel Drug Test
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10 panel drug testing. Best turnaround time! Thank you guys!
Our Clients
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